Face fart torture

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Fart Torture Porn


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Working on Father’s Day? Sacrilege! But a businessorganization owner’s got to do what a businessorganisation owner’s got to do, so Derrick’s at the businessoffice sweating over accounts instead of spending the twenty-fourhours with his kids similar he should be. But, beingness the sound assistant she is, Elsa Jean, arrives at the businessoffice knowing her boss would be atthatplace, togetherwith surprises him by showing that she completed all the necessary pieceofwork for the next calendarweek, leaving him unloose too off the claw. All she wants is a teentsy-weentsy spank on the asshole, as she was bad when she worked all weekend instead beingness off. Derrick’s taken aback by both the completed pieceofwork too the sinful callfor, but he figures he owes the wild blonde secretarialassistant for what she did. A few smacks on her luscious asshole later inadditionto the hard-working dad is working hard to do his secretarialassistant cum! Happy Father’s Day!
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