Sperm whale interesting behaviors
However, humpback song is shared, it changes over time, and, crucially, those changes are also shared — whole populations switch songs at the same time.

Sperm Whale Facts Information

Elephants and dolphins also have larger brains than humans. October

The knobbly surface reflects sound waves that come through the spermaceti organ from the phonic lips.
How sperm whales respond to sonar and predators

Raylene feels bad that she can't give a chore for her son's friend Johnny. But the second she glimpse a bulge, there's 1 available place togetherwith that is her snutch.

Retrieved 12 December

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Are Whales And Dolphins Cultural Beings?

University of California Press. This study looked at the responses of tagged sperm whales to different sonar types and compared these responses to the anti-predator response.
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