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SWAPPING DAUGHTERS PARENTS Apply EXCHANGE Computerprogramme TO SWAP DAUGHTERS Inadditionto START False Household SCENE opens on a familyunit of 3 Mr. too Mrs. Valentine( Dale togetherwith Gina togetherwith their girl Becky, inwards the driveway of their house. To their side a parked ride- portion machine togetherwith its driver holdback with the trunk opened. The home is going over the final preparations for their daughter' s trip. The girl is dressed to go, with ii suitcases togetherwith some go bags at her feet, inadditionto is loading them into the trunk of the motorcar all the patch beingness fussed over by her attentive parents who are insistent on making sure she' s prepared. Patch the begetter lectures her on locomote security tips, the mature woman sporadically asks about whether she' s remembered to pack this or that. Fifty-fifty after all the bags are packed too the trunk door closed, the chatter continues until the girl insists that she' s going to miss her flying if she doesn' t leaveofabsence beforelong, too her parents begrudgingly halt fussing over her inadditionto allow her acquire moving. ' But non until we acquire i lastly hug as a familyunit, the maleparent insists, too the girl happily obliges. She' s going to miss them over the next 2 months, she says as she hugs them tight, but she hopes they hold a sound time with the novel exchange pupil. The twosome exchange a knowing glance, unseen by their girl, too say they' re sure they testament. The girl says her final goodbyes, inadditionto hops into the rider place of the motorcar. She waves to her parents through the window, too they dorsum to her, as the automobile starts to draw away. ' It' s really happening, the begetter says discreetly to his spouse as he waves, ' it still doesn' t sense existent. ' I know, the mature woman agrees, togetherwith wistfully asks her marriedman, '. do you think she' ll be okay? The maleparent puts his other manus on his wife' s dorsum aswellas rubs it reassuringly. ' We can' t think about that atpresent, he says as he continues to movingridge, ' what' s done is done. She' s non our job to worry about anymore. With the automobile turning out of sight, he.
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